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Statistical Modelling Society
Eleventh International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Orvieto 1996, Proceedings
A. Forcina, G.M. Marchetti, R. Hatzinger, G. Galmacci (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling held in Orvieto, Italy,July 15-19, 1996
Invited papers
- Alan Agresti
- Connections between item-response and log-linear models
- Nicola Best
- Bayesian graphical modelling using BUGS
- Garrett Fitzmaurice
- Mixed parameter models for binary longitudinal data
- Arnoldo Frigessi
- Towards bayesian feature detection in images
- Harvey Goldstein
- Handling missing data in multilevel (hierarchical data) models
- Ton Heinen
- Recent advances in latent class models
- Trevor Hastie
- Non parametric classification techniques
- Kung-Yee Liang
- Hypothesis testing under mixed models
- Daryl Pregibon
- Data mining
- Nanny Wermuth
- Specifying and interpreting multivariate dependences in observational studies
Contributed papers and Posters
- T. Holliday et al.
- Engine mapping: a two-stage model approach
- M. Hazelton
- Monte Carlo inference for a model of carbon fibre strength
- A. B. Lawson et al.
- Modelling heterogeneity in discrete spatial data models via MAP and MCMC.
- P. van der Heijden
- Some logistic regression models for randomized response data
- B. Marx, P. Eilers
- Generalized linear regression on sampled signals
- G. Verbeke, E. Lesaffre
- The detection of residual serial correlation in linear mixed models
- R. Colombi
- Some useful generalzations of the Goodman association model
- J. Forster et al.
- Stochastic search variable selection for hierarchical log-linear models
- A. Militino, D. Ugarte
- Robust estimation in a spatial linear model via random effects
- V. Nunez-Anton et al.
- Computational aspects of likelihood-based estimation of first-order antedependence models
- R. Waterman et al.
- A fized effects approach to heterogeneity via a latent regression model
- G. Oskrochi, R. Davies
- Stayers in mixed markov renewal models
- D. dos Santos, D. Berridge
- A continuation ratio model with parametric and non-parametric mixing distributions
- G. Lancaster, M. Green
- Latent variables technique for categorical data
- C. Czado
- Bayesian analysis of multivariate binary response data
- J. Engel, F.Huele
- A generalized linear modelling approach to robust design
- L. Pritscher
- Nonparametric estimation of discrete hazard functions by local fitting techniques
- M. Green
- Generalized factor analysis
- C. Gaetan, A. Pievatolo
- Change-point analysis in stochastic processes
- M. Aitkin
- Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation in general random effects models
- A. Fotouhi, R. Davies
- Modelling repeated durations from work and life history data: the initial conditions problem
- A. Klinger
- Soft threshold for varying coefficients models
- A. Rogel, J. Mary
- Modelling observer agreement with loglinear models
- B. De Stavola, M. Hills
- Longitudinal quantitative data: a case study
- C. Payne
- Efficiency of job-training schemes: discrete-time event histories with unobserved heterogeneity
- D. Firth
- On the role of generalized linear models in survey sampling
- J. Kuha
- Measurement error modelling with monte carlo EM
- J. McDonald et alt
- Markov chain monte carlo exact tests for logistic models
- G. MacKenzie
- On the analysis of recurrent medical random events
- B. Engel
- Prediction of random effects with a mixed model and application to dairy data
- C. Pascutto et al.
- Disease mapping with errors in cavariates: an application
- G. Lovison
- Applications of generalized symmetry models
- C. Demetrio, J. Hinde
- Modelling with overdispersion
- R. Siciliano
- A fast regression tree procedure
- G. Molenbergs et al.
- Pseudolikelihood inference for binary data
- A. Brink, A. Smith
- Bayesian modelling of the association in contingency tables