
Statistical Modelling Society



26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Valencia, Spain, 2011, Proceedings

David Conesa, Anabel Forte, Antonio López-Quílez, and Facundo Muñoz (Eds.)
IWSM 2011. Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Valencia (Spain), July 5-11, 2011

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Part I: Invited Papers

Berger et al.
Risk assessment for pyroclastic flows: Combining deterministic and statistical modelling
Quasi-variances and extensions
Some theoretical thoughts when using a composite endpoint to prove the efficacy of a treatment
Green et al.
Identifying influential model choices in Bayesian hierarchical models
Jørgensen et al.
The ecological footprint of Taylor's universal power law

Part II: Contributed Papers

Aerts et al.
Incomplete Clustered Data and Non-Ignorable Cluster Size
Alvaro-Meca et al.
Bayesian Lee-Carter Model: A Spatio-Temporal Approach
Andres-Ferrer and Ney
From Empirical Bayes to Leaving-One- Out
Aregay et al.
Model Based Estimates of Long-Term Persistence of Induced HPV Antibodies: A Flexible Subject-Speci c Approach
Armero et al.
Bayesian model selection for assessing the progression of chronic kidney disease in transplanted children
Badiella et al.
Area under the ROC curve using logistic regression with random effects: Estimation and Inference
Barber et al.
Optical properties of fresh date palm in different stages of maturity
Bárcena et al.
Measuring the real estate bubble: a house price index for Bilbao
Baxter et al.
Missing data, multiple imputation and the UK National Vascular Database
Belgrave et al.
A Comparison of Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches to Latent Class Modelling of Susceptibility to Asthma and Patterns of Antibiotic Prescriptions in Early Life
Boixadera et al.
Who uses Complementary and Alternative Medicine? An analysis for cancer patients
Bowman and Crujeiras
Assessing isotropy with the variogram
Brechmann et al.
Simplified regular vines for modeling high- dimensional financial risk data
Brewer et al.
Climate Envelopes for Species Distribution Models
Burke and MacKenzie
XD survival regression models with frailty
Caballero- Águila et al.
Least-squares signal estimation using correlated delayed observations transmitted by different sensors
Caballero- Águila et al.
Filtering algorithm for fractional order discrete systems with uncertain observations
Carrasco et al.
The Log-Generalized Modified Weibull Regression Model
Castillo and Serra
An exponential dispersion family to modelling critical phenomenon
Catelan and Biggeri
Hierarchical Bayesian modelling to assess divergence in disease mapping
Conde and MacKenzie
LASSO Penalised Likelihood in High- Dimensional Contingency Tables
Conesa et al.
Describing the geography of Spanish bank branching
Corberán-Vallet and Lawson
Spatio-temporal disease modeling and surveillance with Bayesian hierarchical Poisson models
Corberán-Vallet et al.
Time series modeling and Bayesian forecasting with exponential smoothing models
Costa and Dias
Assessment of e-government maturity in Portuguese municipalities using regression and clustering approaches
Creemers et al.
Joint Modeling Longitudinal Health Care Costs and Time-to-Event Data in Matched Pairs
Bartlett-type Correction in Heteroscedastic Symmetric Nonlinear Models
Cysneiros et al.
A Symbolic Robust Regression Model
Czado et al.
Bayesian inference for copula based GARCH models
Dejardin et al.
Bayesian Dose Escalation in phase I studies of Combinations of Drugs with Control
De Rooi and Eilers
Using text mining tools to compose structure priors for inferring gene networks
Djennad et al.
Markov-Switching Multifractal models within GAMLSS
Djeundje and Currie
Smooth mixed models for nested curves
Dondelinger et al.
A Bayesian regression and multiple changepoint model for systems biology
Dooley et al.
Analysis of an Observational Study
Eilers et al.
Sea Level Trend Estimation by Seemingly Unrelated Penalized Regressions
Fabio et al.
Generalized random intercept log-gamma exponential family models
Faria and Gonçalves
Modelling Financial Data using Poisson Mixture Approach
Finazzi et al.
A multivariate space-time model for heterogeneous air quality networks
Fonseca et al.
Predictive distributions for non-regular parametric models
Forte et al.
Objective Bayes Criteria for Variable Selection
Franco-Villoria et al.
Conditional Probability of Flood Risk in Scotland
Fried et al.
Outliers and interventions in INGARCH time series
Furche et al.
Bivariate Ordinal Regression Models for the Analysis of Neural Data
Gallego et al.
Modelling endocytosis by means of non-homogeneous temporal Boolean models
García-Donato et al.
A Prior for multiplicity control and closed- form Bayes factors in variable selection
García-Mora et al.
Approximated Survival function in the Sum of Two Independent Homogeneous Markov Processes: Application to Bladder Carcinoma
On using the Hellinger distance in checking the validity of approximations based on dynamic generalized linear models
George and  Unlu
Parameter Estimation in Skills-based Knowledge Space Theory and Cognitive Diagnosis Models: A Comparison
Gilchrist et al.
Forecasting film revenues using GAMLSS
Gilthorpe et al.
Importance of correctly specifying the random structure in growth mixture models.
Gomes et al.
Modeling swimming marks through Blocks and POT methods
Gonçalves and Costa
Improvement of surface water quality variables modelling that incorporates a hydro-meteorological factor: a state-space approach
Gottard et al.
Modelling fertility and education in Italy in the presence of time-varying frailty component
Grisotto et al.
Empirical Bayes models to estimate contextual effects
Habteab Ghebretinsae et al.
Generalized Frailty Model for Comet Assays
Ha et al.
Interval Estimation of Random Effects in Frailty Models
Haggarty et al.
Functional Clustering of Water Quality Data in Scotland
Hasso and Matawie
Using Probability Models to Classify Software Patterns
Hernandez et al.
Linear Model comparison with structured mean and dispersion parameters
Huertas et al.
Joint Modelling of Two Sequential Times to Events With Longitudinal Information
Ibacache Pulgar and Paula
Elliptical semiparametric mixed models
The change-point problem in regression with correlated data and change in variance
Capabilities of R package mixAK for clustering based on multivariate continuous and discrete longitudinal data
Additive location-scale model when the response and some covariates are interval censored
Letón and Molanes-López
Second order delta method for estimating the Youden index and optimal threshold
Little et al.
Modeling growth patterns of the swift tern using non- linear mixed effect models
Loquiha et al.
Zero-Inflated Poisson and Negative Binomial Models Applied to Maternal Mortality Rate in Mozambique
Lynch and MacKenzie
On Bivariate Survival Regression Models
Marchetti et al.
Regression graph models: an application to joint modelling of fertility intentions among childless couples
Martínez-Beneito et al.
A spatio-temporal monitoring system for Influenza-Like Illness incidence
Martínez-Coscollá et al.
Bayesian hierarchical modelling for analyzing the efficiency in the European banking system
Marx et al.
Multidimensional Single-Index Signal Regression
Mauff and Little
Multivariate Nonlinear Multi-Level Mixed Effect Models: Techniques and Application to Pharmacokinetic Data
Mayr et al.
Boosting Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape
Menten et al.
Estimation of Infection Rates from Repeated ELISA Optical Density Data using Hidden Markov Models
Mirkov and Friedl
Nonlinear and Spline Regression Models for Forecasting Gas Flow on Exits of Gas Transmission Networks
Mohd Din et al.
Prediction of the rheumatoid arthritis activity score: a joint modeling approach
Molanes-López et al.
Covariate-adjusted inference for the Youden index and associated classification threshold
Moreira and Machado
An R Package for the Estimation of the Bivariate Distribution for Censored Gap Times
Muggeo and Lovison
Testing for a breakpoint in segmented regression: a pseudo-score approach
Muñoz and López-Quílez
Geostatistical modelling with non-Euclidean distances
Murawska et al.
Multi-state models for non Markov process
Mutsvari et al.
Some approaches to correct for misclassification in the absence of an internal validation data set
Nicholls and Ryder
Phylogenetic models for Semitic vocabulary.
Nicholls and Watt
Partial Order Models for Episcopal Social Status in 12th Century England
Nysen et al.
Testing Goodness-of-Fit of Parametric Models for Censored Data
Oller and Gómez
Testing against ordered alternatives with interval-censored data
Palarea-Albaladejo and Martín-Fernández
Examining distance-based grouping on the simplex sample space: the fuzzy clustering case
Pardo and Pérez
The use of GEE for analyzing housing prices
Peng and MacKenzie
Precision of estimators in interval censored parametric survival models
Pennino et al.
A Bayesian spatial approach to modelling fish species occurrence
Pereira et al.
The truncated inflated beta regression
Perra et al.
A Bayesian analysis of survival times for stage IV non- small cells lung cancer
On probabilities of avalanches triggered by alpine skiers. Models with random effects taking the stratified data into account
Pita-Fernández et al.
Cancer incidence in kidney transplant recipients
Pomann et al.
Evaluating Change Detection in Data Streams
Porcu et al.
Modelling the Timing of Marital Dissolution in Italy: censored quantile regression with additive terms
Prieto et al.
Estimation of the density of the Antarctic Blue whales population using their sequences of sounds
Ramsey and Futschik
Optimal DNA Pooling for the Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
Riebler et al.
Modelling seasonal patterns in longitudinal profiles with correlated circular random walks
Rippe and Eilers
Segmented smoothing with an L0 penalty
Rodríguez- Álvarez et al.
Testing for covariate effects in ROC- GAM regression models based on bootstrap methods
Rodríguez-Díaz et al.
D-Optimum designs in random e ect logistic regression models
Rosen et al.
Adaptive Spectral Estimation for Nonstationary Time Series
Rushworth et al.
Distributed lag models for hydrological data
Russo et al.
Exact and approximate inferences for nonlinear mixed- effects heavy-tailed models
Sabanés Bové et al.
Hyper-g Priors for Generalised Additive Model Selection
Schnabel et al.
Optimal time scaling for plant growth analysis. 544 Sellers Introducing a Model to Determine True Counts via the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Distribution
Sikorska et al.
Fast genome-wide association analysis in longitudinal studies
Singh and Huzurbazar
Analysis of Gene Duplication Data
Slaets et al.
Flexible Modelling of Functional Data using Continuous Wavelet Dictionaries
Smith and Bowman
Boundary identification in 3D images
Sobotka et al.
Confidence intervals for geoadditive expectile regression models
Measuring Efficiency of Trial Designs with Unreplicated or Partially Replicated Test Lines
Stöber and Czado
A Markov switching model for vine copulas
Sweeney and Haslett
Bayesian residual analysis in Poisson regression models
Tamura and Giampaoli
Prediction for an observation in a new cluster for Multilevel Logistic Regression considering k random coefficients
Taylor and Einbeck
Multivariate regression smoothing through the ″falling net″
Tharmaratnam and Claeskens
Robust model selection in additive penalized regression splines models
Statistical modeling of geographic risks for very low birth weights near Texas superfund sites
Ugarte et al.
Spatio-temporal risk smoothing and forecasting with P-splines
Urbano et al.
Bioassays models with natural mortality and random effects
Usuga et al.
A study to compare HGLM and GAMLSS in mixed linear models
Van den Hout et al.
A latent-class semi-parametric change point model for cognitive ability in older age
Van Oirbeek and Lesaffre
Measuring the Brier score for frailty models
Ventrucci et al.
A Dipole Model for MEG Data
Ventura and Racugno
A Bayesian adjustment of the modified profile likelihood
Waldmann and Kneib
Bayesian Structured Additive Quantile Regression
West et al.
Groups within networks
Worton and Mclellan
Robust mixture modelling of telemetry data in wildlife studies of home range
Yee and Hadi
Row-Column Association Models
Ziegler-Graham and Rohde
Use of Marginal Likelihoods in Statistical Inference



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